Chapter Asks Community to Show Up, Advocate for District GT Learners
Area public school GT services, including the 4/5 GATE program, 6/7 middle school supports, and select AP classes, are on the list of potential cuts as the Stillwater School Board decides how to fix a $2.5M shortage in the reserve fund balance for 2019-2020.
We ask you to attend the 12/13 board meeting with this chapter as a show of support for GT learners and continued local access to services. Arrive early if you wish to speak at Open Forum. Students are welcome, too! — Please see our 12/13 Update about developments in the ongoing school board discussion.
EVENT | Show up for GT Learners, Stillwater School Board Meeting (Flyer color & grayscale .pdf)
WHEN | Thursday, 12/13, 6:00 pm
OPEN FORUM | Sign up for spoken remarks during Open Forum starts at 5:30 pm. Please familiarize yourself with Open Forum guidelines.
WHERE | Oak Park Elementary Bldg, 6355 Osman Ave. N, Stillwater
PLEASE SHARE THIS with area families! If you are new to St. Croix Valley Gifted and would like to know more about how to get connected, please sign up to start receiving our digital newsletter, contact us with questions, and learn how we serve this community.
Proposed budget cuts are a discussion item on the 12/13 board meeting agenda. The board is scheduled to vote on budget cuts during the 12/20 business meeting, which will take place at the Central Services building. Please see our prior post for more budget cut details, including how to contact school board members directly.
About the Source Data on our Flyer
We feel it’s important to be clear about the data that appears on our communication asking community members to support continued services and programs for local GT learners. Potential changes affect elementary, middle, and high school students, as well as families considering decisions to live in the St. Croix Valley communities within this school district.
Please see the listed links for closer looks at each of the three data graphics from our flyer:
- Serving GT Learners in U.S. Public Schools
- St. Croix Valley GT Learners & Local Supports
- National Funding and Support for GT Learners
We invite you to read the lower section of our flyer for a brief intro about these students and to visit Gifted 101 here on our site to learn more. You also might like to see the Student Voice portion of our 2017-2018 Community Feedback Initiative.