MDE announces two Fall 2018 GT educator workshops
MDE announces two workshops this Fall especially for Minnesota educators, coordinators, and administrators with responsibility for GT learners.
Aligning Values, Evidence, and Communication to Create Effective Gifted Education | Workshop with Dr. Matthew C. Makel, Duke TIP
WHEN | MONDAY 10/15, 9:00 am to 2:30 pm
WHERE | MDE Conference Center B, Room 15, Roseville, MN
REGISTER | Online by October 8
The journey from having an idea to having a strong community of support for implementation can be a rough road. But these are crucial steps for any successful gifted program. In this session, we will discuss three intertwined facets of effective gifted programs:
- Universal educational values
- Research evidence
- Effective communication.
As a capstone, attendees will create personalized strategies to sway skeptics using the principles of persuasion science research. Guest Dr. Matthew C. Makel, Ph.D., Director of Research of the Duke University Talent Identification Program (TIP), focuses on academic talent development and research methods. He is the chair of NAGC’s Research & Evaluation Network, the co-chair (with Susan Johnsen) of NAGC’s Definition Task Force, and serves on NAGC’s Publication Committee.
NEW! Two-Day Coordinator & Specialist Workshop
WHEN | THURSDAY 10/25 and 12/6, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
WHERE | MDE Conference Center B, Room 15, Roseville, MN
REGISTER | Online by October 15
MDE will host an ALL NEW two-day training workshop for gifted education coordinators and specialists. This year’s workshop provides an overview of legislation, reporting requirements, and funding. You will be introduced to a new tool for making acceleration decisions and strategies for serving twice exceptional (2e) learners.
Speakers will include presenters from MDE, MCGT and MEGT, as well as guest speakers and an educator panel representing districts of all sizes and models of services.