SAT 9/7, 9am – Noon | Mini-Conference: GT & 2e Students, Schools, & Advanced Learning
Are you a parent or teacher who wants to learn about options available in school to support talent development for GT & 2e students? Do you wonder if acceleration is a good fit for your student? What does gifted education look like in Minnesota? How can educators and parents partner to support GT & 2e students? Join us to discuss how parents and educators can work together at student conferences, 504, and IEP meetings by using specific research-based acceleration and talent development options.
Hurry! Space is limited, so register now to secure your spot for the September MCGT Mini-Conference, co-hosted with MDE and MEGT. Morning refreshments will be provided. This event is for parents, educators and other professionals ~ MCGT will not have space, activities, or supervision for children at this event.
Note that MCGT members can add a second adult to your registration for just $5 more — consider extending an invitation to a teacher, principal, counselor, or school board member. CEUs are available through MDE.
Mini-Conference Sessions on SAT 9/7
Each conference session will run once between 9am – noon:
Susan Assouline, Director of the UI Belin-Blank Center Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development, will share information about acceleration options that are outlined in the Belin-Blank Center’s recent research and publication: A Nation Empowered
Wendy Behrens, Minnesota Department of Education Gifted Specialist, will talk about Gifted Education Policy in Minnesota.
Panel of Experts: Discussion with Susan Assouline, Wendy Behrens, and MCGT President Teresa Boatman
The last hour is a fun and interactive question and answer time about gifted children and parenting.
Location & Registration Info
When | Saturday, September 7, 2019, 9am to 12pm
Where | MN Dept of Education, Conference Center B, CC15 1500 Hwy 36 W, Roseville, MN 55113 – LOCATION UPDATED!
Who | All who support gifted and 2e students – educators, parents, and other caregivers and professionals welcome!
Questions | Email, or call (952) 848-4906
Register | Online at (credit or debit card payment only) or on-site registration outside of rooms 350-351 (cash, check or charge accepted)
Cost | Suggested donation for MCGT Members ($10, or 2 adults for $15), Non-members* $20 per person or join MCGT to receive member rate