Speak Up FAQ
Why now? As the 2015-2016 school year began, Stillwater Area Public Schools welcomed new district leadership and new changes in oversight for gifted (GT) services. In May 2015, voters passed a bond measure that will add a new elementary school and introduce a new grade configuration for elementary (PreK-5), middle (6-8), and high school (9-12).
Also in May, St. Croix Valley Gifted collected community survey responses to ten questions about local gifted services and school support for K-12 students. See below for examples of what people asked for in their survey responses.
District newcomers, administrators and building principals alike, as well as established contributors, bring experience with strong K-12 gifted programming to the table. Data-guided best practices and learning growth targets have necessary roles to determine the future of GT services across K-12, including the identification process, teacher supports, coordinating student transitions, and programming extension.
What about my students who attend private or charter schools in the area? In support of gifted learners at all St. Croix Valley area schools — public, charter, private, parochial — we encourage you to reach out during November to school leadership wherever your students are enrolled. Please contact St. Croix Valley Gifted with questions, resource requests, or to draw our attention to specific advocacy needs at your school location.
How will you know this effort is worthwhile? We have two metrics. One, please let us know that you’ve taken action. The number of people who reach out matters. We also will monitor district actions taken in the next 6, 12 & 18 months to communicate decisions and follow through. This means continuing conversations with local MCGT members and others to know where there’s a match between what’s promised and actual experiences.