UPDATE: Take Our Community Survey by SEPT 26
Every two years St. Croix Valley Gifted’s community survey gathers input on behalf of area students. Your responses and requests are an important measure of how our chapter efforts should shift to match changing needs, and they let us know how we can create and strengthen connections between people who guide young GT learners toward adulthood. The survey also surfaces pressure points that are driving concerns and opportunities for local GT supports.
Who can take the survey? Are you a local student, parent, caregiver, educator, or other professional (counselor, therapist, pediatrician, etc.) who cares about GT learners? Are you a community member who’s interested in supporting student learning? Get started at our Summer Newsletter.
What should I know about MCGT and St. Croix Valley Gifted? This MCGT chapter serves St. Croix Valley communities, including public, private, charter, online and home school settings from early childhood through high school. Visit our chapter info page for more about us -or- explore Gifted 101 for more about GT learners.
How many questions are you asking? Ten (10) questions total. Part I gathers short details about you and the student(s) in your life. Part II focuses on understanding your priorities, concerns, and opinions about the resources and efforts you would find most useful. Your responses are anonymous, though the final question offers the chance to provide your contact information if you choose.
How do I get started? If you receive our e-newsletter, you’ll find the link in our Summer update. If you are not already on our newsletter mailing list, please Contact Us.