MON 3/4 @ 6:00pm | Parenting Beyond the GT Label
When do labels help and when do they get in the way?
Labels can be obstacles -or- they can open doors. They can offer common ground -or- they can cause conversations to crumble over differences of opinion, culture, and priority. Join St. Croix Valley Gifted for conversation about moving past labels in order to focus on the bigger picture of kids’ emotional well-being and the process of becoming.
TOPIC | Parenting Beyond the GT Label – Download Flyer (color & grayscale .pdf)
WHEN | Monday, 3/4, 6:00 – 7:30 pm
WHERE | Stillwater Public Library, Margaret Rivers B – Upper Level
What can parents do when the presence or absence of that GT label makes it difficult to access supports? How do adults’ expectations — what should or could be vs. what is — telegraph messages about giftedness and identity to our students?
How do these messages & expectations influence kids’ experiences in the classroom and with peers? And how do our kids’ experiences and impressions then surface in the parenting challenges we face, whether at home, when we advocate, or we need to find help as parents?
Reading & Support Resources
- EXCERPT: The Gifted Teen Survival Guide: Smart, Sharp, and Ready for Almost Anything by Judy Galbraith and Jim Delisle (Free Spirit Publishing, 2014)
- WATCH: NTCN hosts Linda Silverman, Ph.D. on Out of Sync in a Competitive World – YouTube (10/2016)
- Stereotyping: One of the Greatest Barriers to Gifted Education by Gail Collins, Ph.D. at Gifted Challenges (8/2017)
- Let Your Child Be on Their Own Time Line by Deborah Reber at NAGC (6/2018)
- How We Shortchange Gifted Kids by Laura Weldon at Free Range Learning (7/2018)
- Is There a Mindset Misconception with Giftedness? by Emily Mofield, Ed.D. at NAGC (8/2018)
- How Not to Shame a Gifted Child by Gail Collins, Ph.D. at Gifted Challenges (12/2018)
- When Your Gifted Child Disappoints by Gail Collins, Ph.D. at Gifted Challenges (2/2019)
- WATCH: IEA hosts Jim Delisle, Ph.D. on Understanding Your Gifted Child from the Inside Out – YouTube (2/2019)