MON 3/4 @ 6:00pm | Parenting Beyond the GT Label
When do labels help and when do they get in the way? Labels can be obstacles -or- they can open doors. They can offer common ground -or- they can cause...
Read MoreWhen do labels help and when do they get in the way? Labels can be obstacles -or- they can open doors. They can offer common ground -or- they can cause...
Read MoreWith gifted readers in the house it can be tough to keep enough books on hand while staying on top of which titles kids are choosing to devour. What makes for a...
Read MoreThis Throwback Thursday post originally appeared on our website in March 2014. Angela Duckworth’s recent best-seller, Grit: The Power of Passion and...
Read MoreIt’s very easy to fall into the trap of thinking that the way gifted identification or instruction happens in your student’s classroom is how it happens...
Read MoreWhat is underachievement and how does it fit into supporting our GT learners? As follow-up to our recent chapter meeting, we’ve put together featured reading and...
Read MoreThank you to the many people who attended our recent chapter meeting with Mary Wandrei, PhD. Several of you attended a St. Croix Valley Gifted event for the first time!...
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